Several existing services within the half bridge and surrounding area had to be protected and temporarily supported throughout the works. Luckily LPC were in the process of finishing a new transformer site during the beginning of this project so that the existing high voltage cables that clashed with the new retaining wall design could be disconnected and removed. An extension to the project timeline was needed to address the clash with these high voltage cables.
Hunter Civil’s methodology and planning avoided significant disruption to the two lanes of traffic above the wall on the busy Simeon Quay. The installation of the anchors and completion of the concrete work was completed from one end of the work site or a temporary works platform to avoid the need for lane closures. Having completed these works the residents and commuters of Lyttleton can be assured that this section of road and footpath has been rebuilt and strengthened.
The Coleridge Terrace retaining wall involved constructing a new anchored retaining wall to support the upper ramp of Coleridge Terrace, the upper ramp provides access to 7no residential properties. The wall was damaged following the Canterbury Earthquakes of 2010/2011, while the ramp was still useable the ramp needed strengthening for long term repair.
The retaining wall is 20.5m long with a retained height of up to 4.3m. After the installation of the soil nails a reinforced concrete structural wall was cast. The face of this wall was then refaced with the red stones which had been removed at the beginning of the project and cut to create a veneer of stone. This was another one of the many retaining wall projects within the Lyttleton area where Christchurch City Council had reinstated the old stones onto the new structural wall to keep appearances of the walls the same as they originally were prior to the earthquakes.
Hunter Civil are appreciative and thankful for the hospitality shown by the ‘Lyttleton Club’, one of the neighbouring stakeholders impacted significantly during the construction works and associated road closure.
Jan 2021 – Dec 2021
Christchurch City Council
The Simeon Quay retaining wall involved the demolition of a 57m long half bridge which included the footpath and retaining for the existing roadway. The new retaining wall comprised of proprietary Humes Anchorbloc units with numerous ground anchors extending back into the basalt bedrock. The Anchorbloc’s were seated on a reinforced concrete foundation beam which was poured directly upon a competent firm loess. The eastern section of the wall has a retained height of 4.0 m and utilised reinforced concrete piles to support the foundation beam as the existing ground was of insufficient capacity. The bored piles extended approximately 6m into the basalt bedrock layer.