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Hunter Civil have been engaged by Corde Ltd. to construct the Kirwee pumpstation which involves the installation of a 3m dia by 6m deep GRP pre-packaged pump station, a 2m dia by 5.7m deep GRP macerator chamber and interconnecting PVC and stainless-steel pipework. These GRP chambers were manufactured and supplied by Aquatec based in Australia. The units were brought to New Zealand by ship before being delivered to site by truck and lifted into position with Hunter Civils HSC 650TLX-C4 crane.  

Works also involved the installation of 2no 11KW pumps, associated valves and stainless-steel pipework, odour treatment enclosures, electrical and commissioning works, and a washdown system. As part of the contract Hunter Civil were asked to complete a variation to construct an access track from the state highway to the pumpstation site.

A new constraint that was imposed on construction activities once we had established onsite was that protected lizards had been discovered in the plantings adjacent to the highway. This meant that the methodology for the wet well chamber excavation had to be modified to be completed using large steel shields rather than an open benched excavation. Hunter Civil were able to adjust to working with this new constraint without any difficulty.    


Aug 2022 – Jan 2023


Selwyn District Council 





The Kirwee wastewater pumpstation is part of the Darfield to Pines Conveyance Scheme, a contract for the Selwyn District Council, which will collect the wastewater from the townships of Darfield and Kirwee and pump it to the existing Pines Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rolleston.

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